Obviously, the Mynxie set didn't get finished for Xmas. But more time I spend working on it, farther it will get away from the relevant season. So reckon I'll just keep it relatively short and just do it for free. Cuz why not? And it's Christmas/New Years. And I missed my deadline (which frankly is the more annoying part for me). So keep an eye out for that.
And of course Rogue One. Which I was going to do a review the day it came out, but that was the day I started to really feel like shit. Kept getting pushed off until later in the day, and then, well... yeah. So now that I'm back in the land of the living - Rogue One. Odds are you've already seen the movie. It's a good movie. It's the movie that Force Awakens SHOULD have been. A badass believable heroine that isn't just some ridiculous Mary Sue. A plot that involves searching for somebody and stopping the Death Star, but manages to tie both aspects into a coherent entertaining plot. Just a decent solid story overall. Only nitpick was the ending. The romance-vibe with explosion in the background seemed kinda shoe-horned in there. Didn't seem like much attraction between the characters before that. Then again, possible I missed it - wasn't exactly top of my game right then. Anyway, if you haven't seen it, you should. It's good.
And also got a bunch of sets from Hibbli for you to check out. The Beach Day sets are now available at the store. So if you haven't had a chance to check them out before, now is a great time to do so. It's all five smoking hot fantasy babes taking it hard and rough from some monstrous pirates at mongo-bongo-art.com, with each set being about 35 pics.
Now when you say "bike in the snow" surely you mean your motorcycle, like I did. 2 inches of ice under a foot of snow in -5 degree weather, just to get to work at 4am. My ass was sideways all the way up that steep hill. Good memories :D
LOL, no. Bike as in bicycle. I spend all day in front of a computer, gotta get my exercise. And nothing as cool and wondrous as snow, it was rain. Wet, cold, shitty rain. Though one does not have to shovel rain, so it does have that as a plus.
Happy New Year :) All the best to you. And more new sets this year. You are the best !
Yay free stuff. You're the best dude. Hope you're better.
Hey MB, any updates? All waiting with bated breath!
Hope you're doing okay. Was also hoping that Power Girl set might get on the schedule. Take care of yourself!
he just a liar,never put hope too much to him.
HEY! Screw you annon! He has a TON of work, so have some goddamn PATIENCE!
Still, are you OK there Mongo?
A friend of mine, who also is a big fan of yours, is worrying that you either got arrested or very sick, or maybe... well... dead.
Let us all know how are you doing. Personally, I hope You're fine.
Cheerio mate!
It has indeed been a while. Let us all hope the Bongo abides.
maybe he was tired and decided to quit from this all,so disappointing indeed if so,even I haven't got upcoming cherry bomb's new OC and the final set of Serra Angel's tragic travelogue to faced her judgement through a dirty pleasure from her archenemies LOL...
Love you Mongo.
There shall be great celebration when the Mynxie set is released, regardless of the season!
Heyyy Mongo? Still breathing bro? Give us an update :3 we love ya. Don't go away.
so.....are you still there mongo?
Please do not pay attention to people who have no respect for anyone. We love you, Mongo, and we hope that you will be back here soon!
It's a pity that Mongo again disappeared for a long time. I hope he returns.
He's probably ranting at the US tax system right about now. I hope it's an epic rant. Expect no less from Mongo!
Now if only we could see it... in fact... ah, shucks. Closest thing we have is Liberty & Justice: Corporate Pig.
http://www.mongo-bongo-art.com/downloads.php (search the page for it)
I'm in the mood to see L&J take it to the IRS, but at this point I just hope Mongo's all right.
I'm sorry Jim... we've lost him... he's dead Jim.
We need you back, Mongo.
I'll add to the chorus. As someone who's been fapping to your work since uh....longer than I care to admit, I hope you're all right and have just been busy, or decided to do something else with your life :p
Mongo, the silence is deafening! Please send us a sign.
I really miss spending money on some of your stuff!
Where are you dude?
Hi, would be nice to hear from you again Mongo, as many of the people above i loved your girls.
But hey, if you decided to move on to something else, it would be fun.
Hey Mongo, even if you are not in the business anymore, please let us know that everything is all right. Peace!
Mongo Bongo, I believe we would all love a sign you are still around. If not a hey I'm on a hiatus - maybe a Caleigh getting peace piped by her Indian friend or possibly April getting cheese sauce on her accidentally by the rat master? Maybe political with Lib and J with an elephant and a bear?
It would seem his site host has expired. This is extremely worrisome. I really hope he is okay.
Just wondering if you are still alive ?
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