Ummm.... Vampire Masquerade Bloodlines 2 looked interesting. Some really good atmosphere and ambiance in their trailer. Hopefully they improve the combat and NPCs a bit from the alpha footage, flailing ragdolls flying across the room, and goons screaming "OMG What's happening?!" as they shoot you seems a bit janky. And Borderlands 3 could be good. Depends on the villains really. What made Borderlands 2 so much fun was Handsome Jack (hell, all the characters). But from what little I've seen of the brother/sister villain duo they don't seem like over-the-top tongue-in-cheek caricatures, in fact they come off as kinda serious tryhard bad-guys. Which honestly does have me a bit worried (hopefully I'll be wrong). Let's see, what else? Oh the Star Wars Fallen Order game! Which come to think of it, probably would have have been a better intro for last post. Y'think? Anyway, not sure on my feelings about it. Looks gorgeous, but not real keen on the idea of a Jedi murderhobo wandering from planet to planet killing people for fun and profit. That just doesn't strike me as the Jedi way. Yeah, I get it, he's an angry young padawan out for revenge (basically the Kanan Jarrus backstory from Clone Wars), still just doesn't sit quite right. Made sense in Force Unleashed and Dark Forces cuz they were already sketchy nefarious characters, but here, I dunno. Guess time will tell.
Oh! And Baldur's Gate 3. Didn't seem to get alot of coverage (at least that I saw), but they're making it! So yay. Never played Divinity Original Sin series, kinda struck me as grimdark D&D and that whole theme has just been played to death. Though some folks swear by the game, so I'll remain optimistic. Pity that there won't be any slutty Viconia party members. Not that I've heard anything one way or another, but don't need too. Just won't happen, not in this cultural climate, and definitely not with what I've seen of WOTC marketing. Speaking of WOTC, got my first introduction to Mike Mearls. Wow. Occasionally would see people complaining about the guy, but I don't fervently follow the TTRPG scene, so just shrugged and moved on. But watched an E3 interview he was in. He undoubtedly is passionate and enthusiastic about his hobby/job, but holy shit the guy has the most punchable manchild face I have ever seen. Did some follow-up searches, and he certainly does himself no favors with his comments. Beginning to understand the hate. But back to point, new Baldur's Gate game, yay! Hope Larian does well on it.
Suddenly though, it's just dawned on me! Maybe you don't come here for my opinions. Perhaps you couldn't give less of a shit about what games I'm interested in, or my opinions in general. Maybe you're just here for pr0n sets. Well then my good sir, we have you covered. For I do indeed have a set to present you. Looking through my folders, I found some Shadowrun pics I had been working on back in the day. You remember one of these pics, right? Had originally had a plan of doing a full story comic thing, taking a twist on the first game. With the midget Troll working for Telestrian (the sinister elf head honcho guy), and the college-aged daughter of Telestrian (in the game she was a highschooler or something) coming to the Troll for help looking for her missing boyfriend who her Daddy disliked, but doesn't have money to pay because she wants to keep it secret, and... well you can figure it out from there.

Well that's not the set I finished. Cuz that would take up far too much time. Instead I completed the set based on a poster in the background, and some test pics I had done. Original idea had been something like Cherry Bomb with some Yakuza Werewolves in a penthouse suite. But again, way too much work. Instead just continued the scene from the test pics with some generic Worgens. (I've never even played WoW and I still call them Worgens, fucking Blizzard!) Think I had been experimenting with portrait layout at the time, which is a terrible choice for pr0n sets - landscape much better. And certainly could use some postwork for fluids and all that. But I ain't got time for that. Busy trying to grind out a character for the King Arthur challenge on Artstation. But again, there is a slim possibility that you might only be here for fap material, so here you go.