Monday, October 17, 2016
WH40K: Sister of Battle & Genestealer
A chaste and pure Sister of Battle faces off against a vile xeno Tyranid Genestealer. By allowing it to breed the ever-loving shit out of her. Just like a sex-starved space nun should! Figured I'd give a second shot at the single worst selling set I've ever created (Sister & Daemonette). Was never quite sure if it was the content of the set, that fact that it wasn't particularly my best work, or just the fact that nobody gives a shit about 40K that made it not do so well. Guess we'll see with this set. Anyway it's 53 pics of purging heresy in the name of the Emperor at
Phew! So yeah, this set took a bit longer than I anticipated. SanctumArts Shrieker (no longer available AFAIK) is not exactly the most friendly model to pose. Tons of weirdly placed bones, bones that literally say "no use", and just oddly set up joint zones made things a bit of a bitch to work with. But got it done. Coincidentally a few other pieces of 40K news apparently popped up while I was working on the set. A Genestealer Cults Codex was released (lol that was timely!) for whatever the hell edition the tabletop game is in. And not to be an ass, but every single person I checked out on YouTube that does the tabletop game thing was kinda... well... weird. Just looked weird, acted weird, or talked weird. Is that common? Or are they just the freakish outliers? (Note - they are completely unlike the creators of semi-consensual hentaiesque 3d porn who are fine, upstanding, and well adjusted people. *cough*)
And there are a couple of 40K video games that were/are being released. Apparently Eternal Crusade released to thundering disappointment. Turns out that all the folks that forked out $60 to pre-order the WH40K MMO they were "promised" instead got a shoot-em-up battle arena. LOL. What a shocker, getting fucked by pre-ordering. Why do people still do that? And then the other one is Dawn of War III is being worked on. Which kinda piqued my interest cuz DoW2: Soulstorm is where I fell in love with my sexy space-nun bolter bitches. But... looks like DoW3 is pretty much just the same exact thing as DoW2. It's like, what's the point? Same fucking game. Haven't seen any new ideas proposed in it so far. And probably won't have Adepta Sororitas in it anyway until the umpteenth patch. So bleh. I still keep imaging what would have happened if Games Workshop weren't so fucking terrible at licensing their IP and Starcraft were actually the 40K game it was originally supposed to be. Anyway, here's some test pics I had been working on for the Sister.
So glad you're putting out sets regularly again! Keep it up!
Damn, thought she was gonna get egged!
LOL probably says a bit about me but I didn't mind the Battle Sister. From the previews it looks like this one will be a good sequel as well!
I was hoping to set Harley Quinn))) unexpected, but cool too :)
Dear Mongo, You are a TRUE ARTIST!!!
This new set is absolutely great! And yeah, those sex crazed battle nuns are good indeed ;).
This set also gave me a cool idea- from Metal Gear Rising Revengeance- Blade Wolf (in his later, 2nd form), has some GOOOOOD time with his good friend and new mate: Sunny Emmerich-bit rough, yet still passionate and somewhat cute.
What ya think?
as always your stuff is always good,but unfortunately,pretty badly missed two recent years without those slutty angel babe,huh...,I guess you must know who I mean,I'm just curious where she had gone she was and how the rest of the story after she enjoyed by succuby ?
I loved the Sister & Daemonette set I saw it an I just had to buy it's awsome seriously I wish do more of the series or a comic form of it would be awsome!
Hey bro! You did splendid on this new set. Love it man.
This battle sis chick is damn hot.
I've looked at the earlier comments and I love that Biker Mice From Mars idea with Vinnie, Modo and Throttle banging Charley. It was a really cool show, and I think You would create a MASTERPIECE with stuff like that. Besides, there is NEVER too much of sweet, hot and wonderful childhood destruction, no?
Keep up the amazing work and take good care man. Respect!
Your best set since TMNT - Ruins, or even since Belf - Worgen...
Thus was really well done! :)
heya mongo! anymore sithmaster coming out? what about more zelda?
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