Monday, September 26, 2016

TMNT: Bebop & Rocksteady

Hey! A new set! Plucky reporter April O'Neil stumbles upon Bebop & Rocksteady at a TCRI dumping site... and predictably gets captured and brutally violated. Just like the cartoons! Or something. Maybe I'm remembering it wrong? Anyway, it's 45 pics of what would be childhood destroying parody if the movies hadn't done that already. Regardless, you can find it all and much more at

So yay! Finally done. Would've finished at least a week sooner but quickly got burnt on it. Seems the problem is trying to do the whole progressive story thing - I'm getting bogged down in the details instead of just doing some loose placement/idea images and then getting to the all important pr0n. Yeah story is important and adds alot, but it can take up too much time in the production and brainstorming. So I'll have to keep an eye on that and find a nice balance.

But I did use that burn-out time to good effect! Worked on a few of the ideas you guys threw out. Will post up some of the idea pics later in the week (and more regular posting is something I obviously need to get better at as well). But STILL keep the ideas rolling in! Been some really good ones so far. Do keep in mind that I'm shying away from Blizzard shit for awhile though. So no Overwatch stuff. As somebody mentioned in the comments there is already plenty out there, and to be honest I'm just kinda tired of all their properties. Plus their lawyers can kinda be dicks. So try suggesting something else! Speaking of which, if anybody has ideas of shows, movies, games, comics, or whatever to check out for ideas, don't hesitate to suggest those as well!


Unknown said...

I don't want to tell too much except "keep up your awesome works".

Anonymous said...

Would love to see a set using this Megan Fox April O'Niel, but wearing the old cartoon yellow jumpsuit.

dohteM said...

oh nice !

Hollo Voys said...

I skimmed your samples page for inspiration, and am once again amazed at the sheer diversity of cultural landmarks you've wrecked over the years. Heh. The biggest thing holding me back from last thread was lack of a setting; I easily imagined characters I'd like to see return. So let's see what I can do if I think on it.

Yes, I'd love to see Serra, and yes, I know that's femina non grata at least for a while. Copyright heat means no Kerrigan or blood elves, and maybe no Wonder Woman, Power Girl, etc. either; oh well. I can also say I'm unexcited over a handful more, regardless of setting, for assorted reasons: Jenny, the alien ladies from Star Wars, the beast-loving paladin, Ryoko, the Battle Sister (although I will regret that you never got around to Witch Elves), Vampiress, Groknar, Steampunk, Alice, the frog fairy.

I never got into SAO, so I can't really comment on it beyond saying that what I saw looked pretty hot, I guess.

I thought I'd been burned out on Liberty & Justice, but the samples of the latest set convinced me there's room. I should probably consult my wallet about seeing the rest... that said, they just had a set, and I think it's fine to wait until next July 4 unless something newsworthy inspires you.

Speaking of holidays, Mynxie feels a bit overexposed, but Xmas IS coming up. So far, I've seen her with Santa, an elf, gingerbread men, a toy soldier, reindeer, snowmen, and a polar bear. What's left? Inuit fishermen? Rasputin? Jack Frost? Heat Miser? You know, from those Rankin Bass stop-motion cartoons? Hmm... if you've seen this wacky movie called Rare Exports, you might imagine her with one or more Father Christmases...

Bronwynne could probably stand to see a few fairies or drunk Scots. But she can also wait until March.

Hollo Voys said...

Wait, there's more!

I heard Gwen got a... setback in her latest series. But now there's Spider-gwen. Dunno what you might pit her against. Venom? Spider-wuss? :-) (Dunno whether MCU is also DMCA-bait.)

(Hmm. Powerpuff Girls...)

Jessica Rabbit looked great in her sets. Given her setting, I imagine you could bring in any cartoon character you like, module lawsuit-dodging. So, rabbits, mice, ducks, cats, goofy-looking dogs, vegetarian sailors, a rival blonde bombshell in a white dress named Holly...

You had a set with Snow White that looked promising. The obvious expansion would involve the dwarves. I could also see other older stories: grown-up Hansel and Gretel; Gepetto and the fairy godmother (maybe he made a few more puppets...); Sleeping Beauty dealing with insomnia; Rapunzel having a very naughty hair day (this could be technically challenging, I imagine); Allie Baba and forty thieves; Scheherazade and a virgin (heh); a Chinese empress and the Ten Brothers, particularly the strong one, the stretchy one, the growy one, and maybe the ones with good sight and hearing as lookouts; reboots of Andersen's The Empress' New Clothes, or The Nightingale (you know, the one with the mechanical bird turns into a woman to "revive" the Emperor)

I'm really looking forward to Zelda and Peach again. Honestly, I wonder why you haven't worked Rosalina in somehow. I know Samus has also been a popular choice elsewhere, FWIW - you seem like doing the popular thing would be a turn-off though. Still, Z, P, and maybe R with... Koopas? Yoshi and Bowzer? Piranha plants? Wiggler? Someone in a raccoon suit? Maybe one of them, at a costume party?

Then there are your original characters (or at least, original AFAIK). The new Magnificent Seven might give Caleigh McClintock something to do... namely, boost their ratings... Meanwhile, Cherry could use a little more time outside her club. There's a world full of riggers, deckers, street samurai, shamans, gumshoes, and sleazy corporate wonks she could be meeting. I might be the only person who misses the Contra girl.

And of course, you could bring in even more OCs. I keep thinking you'd be just the one to do Hippies vs. Yuppies.

Short term: I feel mostly up for Pilgrim and Squaw, esp. with T-Day approaching. Let's see, settings:
* They happen upon remnants of the lost Viking colony in Vinland. (Ghosts? Real Vikings?)
* Pilgrim having fun with the Mohawks from the very first set; Squaw wanders in; male pilgrims wander in and fight over them with the Mohawks...
* Run-in with Redcoats
* Taken aboard a privateer vessel (British? French? Dutch?)
* Dealing with the Headless Horseman

Okay, I think I'm done for now. Hehe. Kinda went a little nuts there. Hope you enjoyed it.

Liquid Illumination said...

I've never seen you do X-Men stuff. The X-Men have some pretty hot ass women in their ranks. Jean, Storm, Rogue, Jubilee, Psylocke, Kitty, Mystique... I mean the list is extensive.

I'd love to see these girls represented by your very awesome and unique art-style.

johnny smith said...

Halloween is coming up soon. You haven't done any Resident Evil sets in a while, maybe do something with a new character like Ada Wong or Clair Redfield?
Have you seen The Witch? Its a horror movie about a family that lives during the Salem witch trials (I think?) and is haunted a witch. The ending may appeal to you SPOILERS! KEEP READING IF YOU HAVE SEEN IT OR DONT CARE ABOUT SPOILERS! After the rest of her family dies a young blonde woman resides to become the bride of the devil who is disguised as a goat, maybe you can have a huge half man half goat monster ravish his new bride?

johnny smith said...

Halloween is coming up soon. You haven't done any Resident Evil sets in a while, maybe do something with a new character like Ada Wong or Clair Redfield?
Have you seen The Witch? Its a horror movie about a family that lives during the Salem witch trials (I think?) and is haunted a witch. The ending may appeal to you SPOILERS! KEEP READING IF YOU HAVE SEEN IT OR DONT CARE ABOUT SPOILERS! After the rest of her family dies a young blonde woman resides to become the bride of the devil who is disguised as a goat, maybe you can have a huge half man half goat monster ravish his new bride?

johnny smith said...

I second the X Men idea, although rogue (the 90s cartoon version) would be my suggestion.

Anonymous said...

Yo man! This new set is AMAZING! Great work as always.
It would be great to see some Biker Mice From Mars pr0n, becouse it was a awesome show, and there is so little of it's pr0n, thus some more would be really sweet.
Also- Halloween- New 52's Wolf turns into big, mighty and hung werewolf, and gives a nice banging to Black Canary and Zatanna.
How ya like them ideas?

cumbust said...

how about some dark manga stuff?

Berserk eclipse with caska and demons in more detail.

Devilwoman and some devilman going at it in hell would be nice.

mikasa being used my the military police for entertainment would be a nice gangbang idea
and thats all i got for now

Unknown said...

heemm ..., if I may I give you suggestion maybe you should start working with original character from your own creations and not the result of tracing or re-create the characters belong to someone else, so you can be more flexible in determining the story ideas and plot of the story itself.don't let an inspiration killing your original creation with stagnant mind.

Liquid Illumination said...

Rogue is the hottest X-Men, IMO, yeah.

do a Google Image Search for 'Rogue Savage Lands". Its when she was living on an island of dinosaur creatures.

Dickhead said...

Try Empowered! The comic allways stops when it is about to get really kinky.

Unknown said...

Underwear! You luvvable lug you! Only thing is - and this is just the TINIEST nit pick ever - April's forehead looks a bit too tall from certain angles (like the last teaser pic). And that's such an inconsequential detail :v
As for ideas... Um :v maybe Uhura/Krall from Beyond? And maybe throw in Samus and Kalara if you want to :3

dohteM said...

Fantastic set :) I hope someday to be continued. April and Krang :)

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